
10 Things to Do in Athens

I’m a firm believer that a healthy social life is more important than good grades. Now before you write me off as a typical UGA party student, let me clarify. I’m not an advocator of wasting time, procrastinating, or slacking off. Education is essential. It’s what we (or Zell Miller + our parents) pay for.

What I mean is this: people are more important than tasks. The relationships we build here will extend far beyond the head knowledge we will have after graduation. Education is critically important, but it’s only one tool in the tool belt. A wise business mentor once told me from his own experience that who I meet in college is more important than what I learn.

So in that context, yes. I think spending quality time with people is more important than doing schoolwork.  Investing in people will always win out.

People often ask me what I enjoy doing on the weekends. So I put together a list of my top 10 things to do with friends in Athens. When it comes to all of the things one could do, this list doesn’t even scratch the tip of the iceberg. These are just my personal favorites and ways in which I’ve built tremendous friendships.

10) Concerts at the Georgia Theater

This small venue packs a loud punch. Situated in the heart of downtown Athens, the Georgia Theater, along with the 40 Watt, brings some big-name acts to town. It’s one of the best ways to spend a Friday or Saturday night.


9) Two Story Coffee House

I love coffee. And this is the best coffee spot in Athens. So naturally, I go here quite a bit. Whether it’s an organizational meeting, study session, or catching up with a friend, Two Story is hard to beat.



8) Breakfast at Mama’s Boy

This is the local, hole-in-the-wall breakfast place that is always out-the-door packed every morning, especially on weekends. Occasionally, my roommates and I will get up early to beat the crowds. It’s 100% worth it.



7) Late-Night Cookout Runs

Have you noticed that I like food? You can find me here just about every Wednesday night around 10:00pm. It’s become an RUF tradition to go to cookout after large group. The food is super good and super cheap. I call it the fast-food capitol of Athens.



6) Swing Dancing

Swing dancing is the best. I’m not the greatest at it, but it’s a fun way to hang out with friends and make new ones. Like anything, the more you practice, the better you get.




5) Weekend Retreats

I love Athens, but it’s refreshing to pack your bags every now and then and get a breath of fresh air. RUF’s fall and winter conferences are some of my favorite weekends out of the entire year.



4) Intramural Sports

Over the past two seasons, my intramural flag football team has gone 4-8 (and one game we won off a forfeit). So yeah, we’re not very good. But it’s been one of the highlights of college because of the people I play with. IM dodge ball is pretty cool too.



3) Phi Slam Parties

I live right next door to an organization called Phi Slam that throws the best college parties in the state of Georgia. Below is what my next-door driveway looks like on many weekends.




2) Fire + Friends + S’mores

My roommates and I have a fire pit on our back deck, and we make full use of it. A fire, s’mores, fall weather, and SEC football with your friends. Does it get better? Actually, it does since this is #2.




1) Saturdays Between the Hedges

No explanation should be needed here.  Go Dawgs.





What are your favorite ways to build relationships and spend quality time with people?

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