10 Things to Do This Summer

I’ll be honest. I feel kinda boring this summer. Between a local internship, an online class, and a couple family trips, my summer is definitely exciting and busy, but it’s certainly not flashy. I’m not going to northern Africa on a top-secret mission trip, or in New York interning with a large firm, or studying abroad in Europe (one of my friends is studying abroad at a world-famous film festival in France. Wow.).

The good thing is, it’s encouraged me to consider ways to make this summer worthwhile. How can I maximize my time? In what ways can I learn, grow, and explore? How can I make it memorable?

Here are 10 suggestions on ways to make your summer memorable, productive, and awesome.

1) Try something new.

Summer is prime time to try new things. What’s something you’ve always wanted to do? Skydiving, a new sport, music, art, stand-up comedy? Whatever it is, take a swing at it! Heck, you just might find me out on the driving range for the first time. (I know, that was lame. I’m sorry.)

2) Catch up with old friends.

Haven’t seen someone in a while? Give him or her a call and reconnect over coffee or a meal. It’s nearly impossible during the year if you go to different schools. Trying new things is fun, but reconnecting friendships is even better.

3) Read stuff.

One of my favorite aspects of summer is that I always have less obligatory (school) reading, and more time for recreational reading. Books, articles, blogs, there’s tons of good stuff to read and learn from. Summer is a great time to take advantage of all the tremendous reading material out there. You can find me chowing down on anything by Tim Keller or Kevin DeYoung. Here are some of my favorite blogs I like to keep up with.




4) Develop a productive habit.

If you can successfully form a consistent, productive habit over the summer, chances are much greater that you’ll be able to keep it going into the school year. What’s my goal? To become a morning person. I’ve adopted the phrase “make mornings awesome”- I think that’s half the battle. When mornings become enjoyable, you no longer see it as a burden to get up early.  What’s your goal?

5) Find ways to serve.

I’ve been asking myself this question lately. How I can make this summer about others? How can I utilize my passions and strengths to make a difference? Here’s the kicker… it doesn’t have to be overseas in Africa. Often times, the best way we can serve is in our everyday sphere of influence- where we live, work, and play.

6) Build a bonfire.

There’s nothing quite like roasting s’mores and playing guitar around a fire with all your friends. Not to mention playing spike ball, corn hole, and throwing the frisbee around beforehand. Good friends. Good food. Good music. Good to go.


7) Plan an awesome 4th of July party.

4th of July is the best! And there’s no better way to celebrate than with a big bash. Fireworks on a lake, at the beach, or just in a small cul-de-sac with your friends. Plan out an awesome party with family and friends. Do it for ‘Merica!


8) Go to a baseball game.

Spending a summer evening with friends and family enjoying America’s greatest pastime- that’s about as good as it gets! Wanna get a change from the Ted (Turner Field)? Take a road trip to South Carolina and catch a Greenville Drive game at Fluor Field… what does it remind you of?


9) Go to an isolated beach.

I’m a city guy who loves to be around people and crowds. But there’s something refreshing about spending a week on Florida’s Forgotten Coast every now and then. Having the entire beach all to yourself is hard to beat.


10) Evaluate.

This can be tough during the year when school is in full swing and schedules are crazy. Summer is a great time to reevaluate how things are going in life- what’s going well and what could be improved. Am I living with purpose? How am I investing my time? What are my goals? Examining the heart behind our actions and motives can make a huge difference.

How do you plan on making the most of Summer 2014?

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