2014: Consistency

In January of 2013, I started a new tradition.  My dad has been doing it for a long time and it’s a fun way to keep things fresh each year.  Pick a keyword for the New Year.  As a college student, I do this on a semester basis.  At the start of each semester, I identify an overarching theme that I want to focus on.  Sometimes it’s something I felt I should have placed more emphasis on the previous semester.  Other times it comes from a brand new idea that I want to focus on.  Last spring, my theme word was “Mental Toughness”- having the grit to keep going in the face of busyness and stress.  This past fall, it was “Responsibility”- taking ownership of my work and stewarding my time well.  This year, I’m going with “Consistency”.  It’s a fairly broad and ambiguous word, but it basically means to stick to a certain set of principles without wavering.

I once heard a business leader say, “The difference between amateurs and professionals is consistency”.  The more I dwelled on it, the more I realized just how right he was.  Not just in the business world, but in anything we do that is worthwhile.  Think about it.  Only a few strokes separate an amateur golfer from a professional golfer.  Only a few decimals separate a minor leaguer’s batting average from Miguel Cabrera’s.  Many times, amateurs can even out-perform professionals.  The long-term distinction between these two groups is found in consistency.  The Gwinnett Braves may be capable of beating the Atlanta Braves on occasion, but it’s the consistency of the Atlanta Braves’ performance that distinguishes them as the best of the best.  Raw talent becomes less of a factor, as consistency is the real key.

I think the same can be said about our everyday routines.  All of the goals and objectives we’ve set for 2014 cannot be accomplished without consistently taking steps to reach them.  We can’t pack on 15 pounds of muscle without consistently working out and eating properly.  We won’t ace our accounting class without reviewing the more challenging concepts on a consistent basis.  All the plans we have in place cannot be carried out without consistently sticking to them.  No, we will never be perfect in executing all of our plans, but the more we can be intentional in taking consistent action, the faster we will make progress towards our goals.

So that’s my word for the spring of 2014.  I need to amp up my consistency across a number of areas (especially blogging!).  I’ve learned that in order to do something well, we have to do a lot of little things well.  And that requires consistency.  Maybe you’ve got a word you can come up with as a theme for the year.  I think it will help bring a fresh perspective to the excitement and challenges that await us.  Get fired up for 2014!

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