Why Start a Blog?

That’s a great question.  Today there are over 70 million active WordPress bloggers covering just about every issue, field, topic, organization, and occupation in the United States.  For many people, such an overwhelming number of blogs has become, in effect, rather underwhelming in the sense that blogs have become seemingly monotonous.  That is, every organization or business as well as many of our friends and family members seem to be blogging about something.  As a result, we pick and choose the ones that truly engage us.  We seek out the ones that capture our attention, speak into our lives, and inspire us to do something great.

Oftentimes, such engagement comes from personal experiences- real life stories shared with us by others that encourage and empower us to live better lives.  Just as a public speaker seeks to establish common ground with the audience by relating to them in a personal way, so too can a blogger engage the reader through personal experiences that provide insightful wisdom and encouragement.

Over the past few years, I’ve been blessed to sit down and learn from some of the most respected servant-leaders within Atlanta’s business community.  While they all have different business platforms and differ greatly in leadership style, they all have three things in common.

They are humble.

They lead from the heart with purpose, passion, and vision.

They use their influence to empower others.

The intentional investments these leaders have made in me have inspired me to be intentional in my own sphere of influence.  Everyday I’m blessed with opportunity to be intentional in my service to others.

Over the next few months, I’m excited to share with you my own experiences, real life stories, and random thoughts on being a positive influence as a college student.  That’s why this blog exists.  It’s nothing ground breaking, but it gives me a medium to express my thoughts in a coherent manner that others will hopefully benefit from along the way.

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