
It’s Saturday in Athens! – 7 Essential Moments

Just the other day, I was talking to a guy originally from the San Francisco Bay Area (I wonder if he met his “Bae” there?).  He was telling me how people out west enjoy college football and follow teams like Stanford and UCLA and USC, but that it’s really all about the NFL.  Mainly the 49ers.

Though he’s now lived in Atlanta for 10 years, he told me he still “doesn’t understand the whole college football thing.” He said, “Like I’ll see one guy say he went to Georgia and another guy say he went to Auburn and then they get into all these arguments.”

All I knew to tell him was this:  You really just have to experience a game to understand it all.

Don’t get the wrong idea.  Football isn’t the end all and shouldn’t be the dictator our joy (I wrote lengthy post about that last year).  But c’mon man.  There aren’t many days like Fall Saturdays in Athens.  So without further ado, here are some of my favorite moments each game day.

7) The Dawg Walk

As a student, it’s hard to make it out to this one since we have to get to the stadium gate super early to secure a good seat.  But growing up, the Dawg Walk was a can’t-miss moment .  The crowd is loud, the Redcoats are blasting “Glory Glory”, and the team is fired up as they head to the field.  The best part is possibly when two Redcoats get a couple floors up the Tate Center stairway and yell down to crowd, “Are!  You!  Ready?!?!”

6) Pre-Game Drills

I don’t know why I think this is so cool. For some reason, I think it’s awesome to see all the positions warming up and doing their thing.  The QBs are loosening up their arms, the receivers are running routes, the linemen are releasing from their 3-point stance, and footballs are flying across the field as the punters and kickers warm up.  At the same time, the only people in the stands are the students.  Idk.  It’s just cool.

5) The Entrance

“Get on your feet!  And let’s make some Sanford Stadium noise for your [number] ranked Georgia Bulldogs!”

And then the banner breaks…

4)  Myers Quad

It’s a sight to see. I can almost guarantee that you’ll see me out there this year doing the whip and nae nae. Please, no snap chats.

3) The First Kickoff

This is one of the best right here.  That famous song by The Who is winding down and the crowd begins…

“Goooooooooo….. DAWGS! Sic em!”

2) 3rd down and longs (for the other team)

Anyone remember those third downs vs. LSU back in 2013?  Man.  Talk about some noise.  Once the crowd really gets going, Sandford Stadium is a loud place.  Sometimes I can’t really talk after games.  My vocal chords just can’t take it.

1) The Battle Hymn of the Bulldog Nation

7 Minutes to kickoff.  Southwest corner.  92,000 hands in the air.  1 lone trumpet.

The best.  Just the best.

This season I’ll be live periscoping many of these moments so if you can’t make the games give me a follow @CalebStevens14 and watch the action live!

Get fired up for Fall!

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