Side Hugs and Other Awkward Situations

When it comes to giving hugs, I’m *white girl voice* just the worst.

I’m actually terrible at judging when to hug people and when to just not.  Most of the time, it ends up in the classic awkward side hug thing.

You know what I’m talking about.  The “I think I’m pretty sure that I might should maybe give you a hug but I’m really not 100% certain” side hug.

Then there’s the even more difficult choice, the decision of whether to hug somebody or just stick with the safe “high five”.  I know, tough decisions.

We Don’t Like Awkward Situations

I’ll be the first to admit that I dislike awkwardness. It makes me wanna run the other way faster than Usian Bolt.

The other day, I was standing in line to go into Bolton (one of the dinning halls, for you non-UGA people).  It was raining outside and the stairs I was standing on inside were wet.

Yep. You already know where this is going.

I go to take the last step and…….

I’m free falling.

With both my feet out from under me, I crash down on the stairs I’m standing on.


But even more than ouch was awkward. Completely losing your feet in front of everyone in line. What a sight.  It would have made you laugh.  You’re probably laughing right now as you imagine it.

If We Avoid Everything Awkward, We Avoid Lots of Great Opportunities

Side hugs aside (pun intended), how do we seriously deal with things we think are awkward?

Me and my brother trying on shades in a sunglasses store. Always an awkward experience.

You know, the more I’ve thought about it, the more I think it’s only awkward if we think it’s awkward.  Most of the time, it is self-imagined and self-inflicted.  And (sadly) people are often too concerned about themselves to really even pay attention.

At the start of my freshman year here at UGA, the RA on my floor gathered all the residents together on the hall for an introductory meeting. As a bunch of young and timid freshmen, the goal of the meeting was to get everyone talking and meeting each other.  We began by going around the room with each person giving their name, hometown, intended major, and a fun fact about themselves (not very original, I know).  Most of the responses were typical, bland, and boring, to be honest.

Except for this one guy.

His fun fact was, “I thrive in awkward situations”.

I wish we all could be more like this guy.  I wonder how many new things we would be able to accomplish.  The funny thing is, I have a hunch that most people wouldn’t find those things awkward at all.  Just us.

So get out there!  Give someone a side hug today.  Be awkward!

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