The Art of the High-Five

I’m an awkward person……. There.  I said it.

As much as I would like to hide it, I’m always (unintentionally) finding ways to make situations weird. Like the other day, I met someone for the first time and thought I heard this person’s name correctly. The only thing is I didn’t. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t even close. I didn’t even get the first letter right. Although it did rhyme with the person’s actual name. Does that count? No wonder it took me so long to find the right name on Facebook.

The worst is deciding when to hug, when to high-five, and when to fist bump. You might enjoy reading one of my blog posts called “Side Hugs and Other Awkward Situations.” Decision-paralysis at its finest.

The high-five is perhaps the most difficult to master. It’s an art, not a science. A few weeks ago, I was walking into a dining hall to grab lunch with my buddy Nick. As I walked towards him, I was preparing for the classic high-five. Except he thought we were going for what I call the “friendly businessman handshake.” It ended in awkwardness and confusion and laughter all at the same time.

I can’t provide you with all the tools necessary to perfect your high-five game, but hopefully I can help point you in the right direction. In my illustrious high-fiving career, I have found that there are 3 key principles one must always consider when attempting a high-five.

Rule Number 1: Know the Environment

Certain environments call for certain types of high-fives. Understanding which type is appropriate for the situation is the first stepping stone to success. What are you to do when you’re…

  • In a big crowd?
  • At a networking event?
  • Hanging out with friends?
  • At a dubstep rave?
  • Between the Hedges?

See what I mean? The way you high-five at an ear blistering dub step party might look a tad different from a career fair. Do you go for the classic high-five?  The “friendly businessman handshake?” The “get fired up it’s game time” high-five? It all depends on the environment. Personally, I prefer to use the “get fired up it’s game time” high-five when I’m going into job interviews. It’s a guaranteed win.  But hey, you do you.

Rule Number 2: Watch the Elbow

I don’t know how or why this works. I just know it does work like the magical lucky charms you eat for breakfast. If you watch the other person’s elbow and they watch yours, you’re set up for a stellar high-five. You might even need an ice pack after the amazing exchange of force between the two extremities.

Rule Number 3: Be Prepared to Call an Audible

If things break down, you need to know how to pull a Johnny Manziel and improvise. You know what I’m talking about- the awkwardness that comes with miscommunication. You’re thinking high-five as your friend is thinking fist bump. Or worse, a hug. Ugh! How do you respond?! You can either walk away with your head down in embarrassment, or embrace the awkwardness and adjust. It takes experience to get it down pat, but it’s worth it!

Now you’re ready to launch off into the world of authentic high-fiving. How do you plan on mastering the art?

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