The Mid-August Heat

The temperature reads around 101. The ground is scorching.  The air is sticky.  Everyone is sick of the heat, ready for Fall.

It’s around this time each year that I get really really excited.  It’s time to head back to Athens.  Time to rock it in the Classic City.

The people start pouring in again.  Freshman move into the dorms to begin their college careers.  Everyone else moves back into houses and apartments.  Around the IM fields area, you can hear “Hail to Georgia!” in the distance as the Redcoats practice their marches.  The entire football team is out running plays and drills.  Full pads in the afternoon heat, just a few weeks away from kickoff.  The bookstore is crowded and the traffic around town picks up.

This is one of my favorite times of the year.  Everyone on campus is in “pre-game” mode, making the last few preps before it’s time to take the field and kick off the year.  Reconnecting with friends, buying books, and making Wal-Mart runs. 

For many of us seniors, this is our last time going into a school year together.  I’ve been thinking a lot about that word lately.  If you’re like me, we can get so caught up in the things we do that we forget about who we do things with.  The friends and people all around us.

Today on August 12th, everyone is coming back.  Everyone is in the same place together. Perhaps for the last time.

So let’s make this last year remarkable.  Let’s do big things for a big purpose.  But let’s do it big together.

Less tasks. More people.

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